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Print Like a Pro!! – Printing Guidelines for Atlas Wrap Co.

This guide will help you set up and send art files that will translate to great prints with no trouble or surprises. If we notice anything unusual in your file, such as blur, pixelated images, missing text, etc., we’ll let you know and help you make it perfect! Please note that many of details below do not apply to blueprints, plans and spec books.

  • We prefer PDF files whenever possible. Please do not submit Word documents or PowerPoint files that have not been saved or exported in PDF format.
  • When dealing with large format graphics most JPEGs and PNGs will not be high enough quality to print at a large scale unless they have been specifically designed at the final output size and saved at a minimum resolution of 150 or 300 dpi. Please provide files at 150 dpi or 300 dpi for best results.
  • When saving your files, please outline or rasterize type, text, & fonts. Alternatively, you may provide us with the font file when collecting your files for delivery.
  • If you have images in your file, you must make sure to embed them prior to saving for print.
  • Vector logos are always preferred. Logos saved in a raster format will have limited scalability and will produce poor quality prints. Vector logo file formats will end with file extensions .PDF, .AI, or .EPS. Your
    designer should have provided these files to you when your logo was made.
  • We use CMYK color values when printing. Please avoid sending files with different color profiles (RGB, LAB, Greyscale, etc.) as this could result in unexpected colors when printed.
  • Print files should be supplied at full scale and proportional to the desired output.
  • Please do not send art that is smaller than 1:10 desired scale.

PLEASE NOTE: If our design team is required to make any adjustments to your files other than re-sizing and basic prep, you could be subject to a design fee.

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Maximum file size: 536.87MB